Monday 9 February 2015

In the beginning God created this earth with the word. I do believe in the beginning there was nothing but words frequencies and vibrations.the origins of humanity are not in this planet but on some other planet so distant.can any one see the mind we can see the brain but we cannot see the mind.we are living in a small world universe and many universes in this creations in fact there are multiverses. We have dejavus and dreams of other worlds almost every day that is the reason why we see so different worlds in our dreams is we are living in almost the other world or universe in the multiverse at the same time.our minds are is some remote location in mars or niburu and from there we think we dream and do our things.who is responsible for our minds?we will see in the coming pages of this book.when you go into space in a space vehicle why don’t you see the light while you see is entire darkness we are living in an illusion.the world we live in is nothing but what they call it hell.Humans need to pay for everything and are the only creatures who need to pay to live animals don’t pay to live while they live for free.Human beings are being controlled by the extratrestials from the outer you think the techonology we see today is from the humans human intelligence cant create computers or robots or space rockets all those things are being given to the humans by the extraterrestrial’s .

There are 24 extraterrestrial groups in who run the show on the planet earth some back the USA and some back Russia its just like that they fight for power and supremacy all the time the jews are guided by the same mysterious beings which gave them power to rule this planet for the time being when the real beings get involved then the beings who back the jews who do business with the world their time expires and they have to leave.


There are 13 dimensions in this world we live in the third dimension three dimensions what we live in the 4th dimensional being are the beings that are superior than us we need to meditate and keep calm to travel through these dimensions but the evil entities who exist in this world are many 4th dimensional beings there are 5th 6th and upto 13th dimensional beings in this world.all the beings do interfere with the humans.but the higher beings don’t care that much about the humans as humans are the beings who did not evolved to their higher needs to meditate a lot to travel through these dimensions mediate or pray for hours then you will see the being playing with you in the place where you are meditating.

My personal Experience:

I used to pray for hours atleast 5 hours a day in a closed room then the whole room was filled with oil and beings came and played with me .that was an incredible experience.there is no such thing as devil as devil means deceiver but there is such thing as evil.Evil always tries to take me into different directions.As there is so much of evil in this world.the world we see today is ruled by demons every step is bound by spells as Egyptians say we should stamp evil with our left foot we need to keep marching in this evil world.


There comes the only serpent bearer only one he is out in this world naga or the serpent is what you see when you transition from one world to another from hell to heaven you will find naga guarding the gates of the heaven naga is the first creation the entire creation comes from the serpent .it can live on water ,land on the trees as well as inside humans.Kundalini energy the energy from the serpent.Jesus Christ whom we also call as yeshua is a naga serpent because in the scripture he told the son of man will be lifted us as moses lifted up the serpent. This proves that Yeshua is a naga serpent.when some one is a naga serpent he will be protected by a serpent with 7 heads.In the bible when Moses went to Egypt to pharaoh ,Pharaohs mens stick turned into snakes and Moses stick also turned into snake and swallowed up all the other snakes that it the real deal we are the true naga serpents we will swallow the wicked naga which kept this world in a spell of dark lords

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